
TAMAKAN sikkoku~yumenotuduki -2021-08-15

錄音檔案不可用。 (可觀看至8/29/2021 (Sun) 23:59 JST)


Live house Urawa Narcisse (Zёnit Music Factory Co., Ltd.) has been holding a 5 Days Hall live festival at Saitama Hall every August since 1995 !!
The 27th year of [Tamakan-Raven Symphony-] 74th, 75, 76th
This year's Corona Sorrow will be held on 3DAYS with additional distribution.
Even those who come to the live venue and participate in the war can enjoy it.

Advance limited: \ 1000 OFF
【Please tell me the name of the artist you are looking for】


TAMAKAN sikkoku~yumenotuduki -2021-08-15 3,000 日圓含稅
TAMAKAN sikkoku~yumenotuduki -2021-08-15 4,000 日圓含稅
Cast:SEX MACHINEGUNS(GUEST)/THE DEAD P☆P STARS(GUEST)/貘 Baku☆Band(GUEST)/美良政次(GUEST)/DANGER☆GANG/Geomatrium/H・∀・K Factory/RF(Radiant×Future)/蘭/礼音 三重奏 (from ROMiO.)/…and more

Live house Urawa Narcisse (Zёnit Music Factory Co., Ltd.) has been holding a 5 Days Hall live festival at Saitama Hall every August since 1995 !!
The 27th year of [Tamakan-Raven Symphony-] 74th, 75, 76th
This year's Corona Sorrow will be held on 3DAYS with additional distribution.
Even those who come to the live venue and participate in the war can enjoy it.

【Please tell me the name of the artist you are looking for】
TAMAKAN sikkoku~yumenotuduki -20210815お得 3,500 日圓含稅
[2nd limitede offer !! Discount ticket]
We are accepting applications for \ 500 OFF
Cast:SEX MACHINEGUNS(GUEST)/THE DEAD P☆P STARS(GUEST)/貘 Baku☆Band(GUEST)/美良政次(GUEST)/DANGER☆GANG/Geomatrium/H・∀・K Factory/RF(Radiant×Future)/蘭/礼音 三重奏 (from ROMiO.)/主謀者翔馬

Live house Urawa Narcisse (Zёnit Music Factory Co., Ltd.) has been holding a 5 Days Hall live festival at Saitama Hall every August since 1995 !!
The 27th year of [Tamakan-Raven Symphony-] 74th, 75, 76th
This year's Corona Sorrow will be held on 3DAYS with additional distribution.
Even those who come to the live venue and participate in the war can enjoy it.

【Please tell me the name of the artist you are looking for】

※ 無論購買何種票券,皆可觀看相同的 星級直播

※ 票券只有一種可供購買
