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Mardelas Studio Live Stream

Video will not be published (Available Period: until 6/28/2020 (Sun) 23:59 JST)

サポートドラマーに楠 大地(from BLACK SWEET)を迎え、スタジオより爆音ロングステージをお届けいたします!

Mardelas Studio Live Stream
June 14 (Sun) 8pm- (JST)
Premiere stream 2500yen
(Archive available till 6/28(Sun))

With the cancellation of the upcoming June shows, due to COVID 19 a live stream date has been decided above.
We are pleased to announce a long live streaming set and introduce our new support drummer Daichi Kusunoki from BLACK SWEET! We hope to see you there!

Purchase Ticket

Mardelas Studio Live Stream 2,500 JPY(tax included) more